Liska Shomer, aki a haszid közösségben prominens szerepet játszott, mély hatást gyakorolt a zsidó vallási élet és hagyományok alakulására. A haszidizmus történetében jelent?s fejezetekben gyakran szerepel a neve, és munkássága sok generáció számára inspiráló példaként áll. Shomer, akinek élete és tanításai a haszid … Read More

Olaszliszka, which is also called Liska, is situated in the northeastern part of Hungary. Although it may look like any other rural community, Olaszliszka is profoundly meaningful to tens of thousands of Orthodox Hasidic Jews, who visit this modest village on a yearly pilgrimage. The surge in visitors is attributed to the revered grave of Rabbi … Read More

The small village of Olaszliszka, also referred to as Liska, can be found in the northeastern region of Hungary. Although it may look like any other rural community, Olaszliszka is profoundly meaningful to tens of thousands of Orthodox Hasidic Jews, who visit this modest village on a yearly pilgrimage. The surge in visitors is attributed to the … Read More